Monday, December 11, 2017

Game Journalism Day 1

Question 1: What is the challenge?
to climb the mountain and and find and shoot the distress pistol

Question 2: What did you do today?
Tried to find and climb the mountain,made a fire,placed a snare,went to a new location found and shot a bear and died.

placed a snare

 lit furnace

 quick select
the challenge
the challenge but in a loading screen
found beef
everything in my bag
turning on a furnace

Questions 3: What do the different keys do for you?
wasd to move
tab to see your hunger and health
shift to run
ctrl to crouch
space to quick select food and fire and weapons etc
m to open your map

Keyboard tips and tricks
I binded Q with the inventory key for quick access
and E for map

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