Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Health - Health & Wellness - Paramedic Challenge

Exit Interview

You have reached the end of the course. 
Some assignments you may have enjoyed while others ...

Question 1: Which assignments did you enjoy and especially why?
I enjoyed the game journalism assignment the most because it gave me a chance to try new stuff in a game and explain what i did

Question 2: Which assignments did you struggle with and why?
The minecraft project, because im bad at minecraft and i got distracted a lot.

Each year this course changes flavour and explores different software.

Question 3: What innovative idea or software would you like to explore?
Possibly 360 degree projects

Now look introspectively at yourself.  
Look at your effort. 
Look at your distractions. 

Question 4: What should you have done to do better?
Procrastinate less

Question 5: Sum up your experience in IT

My experience in IT like the years before was fun but also some what stressful because i either procrastinated or didn't understand what to do.

Flappy Bird part 6

masking-water effect